D. Forker, A. Aleksanyan, V. Pfeilschifter, E. Khokrishvili, I. Gonashvili, N. Botkoveli, B. Lebanidze, T. Williams


Resilience in the South Caucasus: prospects and challenges of a new EU foreign policy concept
D. Forker, A. Aleksanyan, V. Pfeilschifter, E. Khokrishvili, I. Gonashvili, N. Botkoveli, B. Lebanidze, T. Williams
Image: Veronika Pfeilschifter
Caucasuswatch about Jena-CaucExternal linkde
Jena-Cauc: a new research project at the University of Jena explores resilience concept and EU's resilience policies in the South Caucasus